Grand Piano Innards Take a Trip to the Shop

I spent the better part of a week doing a thorough cleaning, re-shaping, adjusting and regulating of Kristi Lind’s Yamaha grand. After years of practicing, teaching and recitals the piano had turned into an instrument that was a real workout to play and very difficult to control. My goal was to breath new life into the piano. A few simple things like reshaping the hammers, regulation and a good cleaning transformed the tone and created an action that was smooth and agile under the fingers.

For the most part my job is to visit a home or a venue and tune the piano for about an hour. But bringing pianos, or just the action into the shop and working on the instrument more in depth and is what I really love doing. There are so many different elements to these crazy wooden machines and it is satisfying to get the whole thing working in harmony with its self.

step 1: disassemble piano in the living room, enjoy the view

step 2: piano action in the van (it is easily removed and very portable)

step 3: shop work (hammers and wippens have been removed from the keybed)

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